ONE Singapore is dedicated to raising awareness and taking concrete action to Make Poverty History. We envision a just world, where no one lives in poverty, whether overseas or here at home in Singapore.
ONE Emergency Fund
The ONE Emergency Fund disburses financial and in-kind assistance to low-income individuals and families who urgently need help. The fund was established to help individuals who need assistance, but cannot find it elsewhere, or cannot obtain it in time. Emergency funds are used to pay a utility bill, buy an EZ-link card, purchase prescription spectacles and provide other types of support.
To apply for assistance from the ONE Emergency Fund, please fill in the form here. For other questions about the OEF, write us here.
ONE Fresh Food Programme
The ONE Fresh Food Programme provides healthy, fresh groceries to families in need of assistance. Our volunteers purchase eggs, vegetables, fruit, fish, chicken and other healthy food items at neighborhood stores and deliver them to beneficiary families.
ONE Livelihoods Fund
The ONE Livelihoods Fund promotes self-reliance, entrepreneurship and training to reduce inequalities and foster well-being for vulnerable individuals and families in Singapore. We support Decent Work by enabling low-income workers and their families to earn their own livelihood and obtain better-paying employment.
If you’d like to apply for assistance from the ONE Livelihoods Fund, please fill out the online form here. If you know about people who might be in need, please contact us here.
Public Awareness and Advocacy
ONE Singapore raises awareness of issues linked to poverty, inequalities and the Sustainable Development Goals. Positive change takes place at many levels. At an international and societal level, the right policies can impact the lives of millions upon millions of people. At a local level, each and every one of us can make a positive impact in our communities. Read more about the issues and our awareness campaigns here.

How Do We Define Poverty?
While you may not see it in the headlines, there is a global poverty crisis.
“Fundamentally, poverty is a denial of choices and opportunities, a violation of human dignity. It means lack of basic capacity to participate effectively in the society. It means not having enough to feed and clothe a family, not having a school or clinic to go to, not having the land on which to grow one’s food or a job to earn one’s living, not having access to credit. It means insecurity, powerlessness and exclusion of individuals, households and communities. It means susceptibility to violence, and it often implies living on marginal or fragile environments, without access to clean water or sanitation.”
— United Nations, Statement of Commitment for Action to Eradicate Poverty, 1998
Singapore does not have an official poverty line. However, researchers estimate that some 387,000 Singaporeans are unable to meet basic needs in the form of food, shelter, clothing and other essential expenditures. That means more than 1 in 10 Singaporeans lives in poverty. Yet, Singapore has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world.
Low-income workers account for the majority of Singaporeans living in poverty. The unemployed or underemployed and the elderly, particularly women, also face higher rates of poverty.
These figures do not include migrant workers, who make up about 30% of the population. Foreign workers are more likely to be in poverty as a result of debts incurred to work here, low wages and exploitation.
Take Action
Mengambil Tindakan!
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Offer to Volunteer
It’s easy. If you’d like to volunteer some of your time to help ONE Singapore, we’d love to welcome you onboard. Details on our Volunteer page below and at giving.sg.
Make a Donation
It’s easy. If you’d like to support ONE Singapore financially, there are several ways to do so: scan a QR code, make a bank transfer or go to giving.sg.
Become a Member Now
Joining ONE Singapore indicates your support for the campaign to Make Poverty History. Membership fees are S$10 per year and they come with other benefits including volunteer opportunities, discounts on merchandise and participation in the Annual General Meeting. You can register to become a member here.
Founded in 2005, ONE Singapore is a locally registered charity dedicated to raising public awareness and taking concrete action to Make Poverty History.
We believe that every one of us can help build a better world. Volunteering, shopping at a social enterprise, supporting a charity, signing a petition for a cause you believe in, sponsoring a child’s education, planting a tree, delivering groceries to a family in need . . . these are all ways that individuals can contribute to the community and make the world a better place!